Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology at Seoul National University College of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Sciences at Seoul National University College of Medicine
SNU Hospital
Convergence Research Center for Dementia, Seoul National University Medical Research Center
SNU Bio-Max Institute
CRI Interdisciplinary Program of Cancer Biology
Interdisciplinary Program of Bioengineering
Wide River Institute of Immunology (WRII) SNU
Office: #614 at Basic Science Research Building
Lab: #423 at Basic Science Research Building
Email: chlee-antibody@snu.ac.kr
Bachelor: Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Ajou University (2000.03-2007.02)
Ph.D: Dept. of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University (2007.03-2013.02), Advisor: Dr. Yong-Sung Kim (http://antibody.ajou.ac.kr/)
Postdoctoral research fellow: Dept of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (2013.03-2018.02),
Advisor: Dr. George Georgiou (http://www.che.utexas.edu/georgiou/index.html)
Research associate: Dept of Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin (2018.03-2020.02)
Assistant Professor: Dept. of Pharmacology, Seoul National University College of Medicine (2020.03-2024.08)
Associate Professor: Dept. of Pharmacology, Seoul National University College of Medicine (2024.09-)
Member of SNU Dementia Research Center (2020.05-) (http://snuadrc.com/)
SNU 10-10 project CDMC (http://cdbc.snu.ac.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=sub6_1_a)
SNU Bio-Max Institute 운영위원 (http://bio-max.snu.ac.kr/) (2021.05~)
서울대학교 의과대학 의학교육실 담당 교수 (2022.01~2023.12)
서울대학교 의과대학 연구진흥위원회 위원 (2022.01~2023.12)
서울대학교 의과대학 암연구소 종양생물학 협동과정 (2022.09~)
서울대학교 공과대학 협동과정 바이오엔지니어링 전공 (2024.02~)
Journal editor
KJPP (2023.01-) Associate Editor
Scientific Reports (2024.05-) Editor
Review editor
Frontiers in Immunology (2021.03-)
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2021.04-)
Protein Science (2021.04-)
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (2022.02-)
대한암예방학회 학술위원회 위원 (2021.01-2021.12)
KSMCB 전산위원회